Sunday, January 1, 2012

looking Moths In the Pantry or Cupboard? They Are Most Likely Indian Meal Moths

If you notice moths in your pantry, chances are you're dealing with an infestation of Indian Meal Moths. Being one of the most tasteless pantry pests, these moths are found in or nearby stored grain like flour, cornmeal, oatmeal, grits, dog food, and birdseed. They also feed on nuts, chocolate, dried fruit, Indian corn, and crackers.

As with all stored goods pest infestations, the estimate of moths initially seen will be relatively small, but understand that these colorful flying pests are the adults/breeders of the species. The longer the question is allowed to manifest, the more rapid the habitancy will increase. During their lifetime of several weeks, adult female moths are capable of producing in the middle of 200-400 eggs. With complete development of the Indian meal moth often taking a wee over 30 days, it doesn't take long for their habitancy to explode.

Pantry Moths

The stage that genuinely damages your stored goods or grain is the larvae. As this worm-like pest hatches near the cracks and folds of your food's packaging, it penetrates straight through small openings and begins feeding. As the larva feeds, it spins a silk web that trails behind the larvae wherever it crawls. This webbing spoils more food than the larvae consumes.

looking Moths In the Pantry or Cupboard? They Are Most Likely Indian Meal Moths

Springstar S1544 Pantry Moth Refill Lures Best

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Springstar S1544 Pantry Moth Refill Lures Feature

  • Our safe, effective, non-toxic pheromone lures out-perform all others
  • Do not use more than one trap and lure per 1,500 square feet
  • Effective for up to 90 days
  • Replacement lures for Glass Pantry Moth Traps, (1386-2305)
  • Contains 2 lures

Springstar S1544 Pantry Moth Refill Lures Overview

Springstar s1544 pantry moth refill lures

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 02, 2012 00:08:12

Control Methods:

  • Carefully gawk all dry food products and packaging., then discard all infested products. If you have attractive items like dried flower arrangements or Indian corn that you would prefer not to dispose of, you may place the items in a freezer for almost 4-7 days.
  • The remaining opened packages should be transferred to plastic containers or glass jars with tightly fitting tops.
  • Use soap and water to clean the infested area. Pay special attention to corners, cracks and other areas where food particles may have accumulated.
  • Address any remaining moths, larvae, or pupae (the cocoon stage) appropriately. Use a broom or long vacuum prolongation to clean the corners and ceilings of the infested area.

Continue to monitor the area to ensure a re-infestation doesn't occur. Also, don't forget to stay proactive by using good sanitation and proper food storage practices!

looking Moths In the Pantry or Cupboard? They Are Most Likely Indian Meal MothsPart 02 - Moby Dick by Herman Melville (Chs 010-025) Tube. Duration : 146.93 Mins.

Part 2. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Stewart Wills. Playlist for Moby Dick by Herman Melville:

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