Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pantry moth infestation

Pantry moth infestation Video Clips. Duration : 0.38 Mins.

Cleaning out one of our kitchen cupboards today, I found a (sealed) box of some kind of organic breadstick crackers, expired in 2009.There was a small pinhole in the bag, and ... friends ... crawling within. As near as I can figure out, Mrs. Mothra found the hole and laid some eggs near it. Larvae crawled in and ate the breadsticks, then pupated... and couldn't get out. And I'm assuming this happy little community has been breeding in that plastic bag ever since. What you can't see is the residue of gnawed breadsticks and the larvae writhing in the bottom of the bag. Suddenly, I have a much better idea of what CS Forester was talking about in the Hornblower books when he has the seamen tapping their biscuits on the table to get the weevils out... Perhaps there's some kind of child's toy that could be made from this?

Tags: moths, gross, larvae, infestation, horror, filth, insects, bugs

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