Saturday, February 4, 2012

乾物を食い荒らすノシメマダラメイガ(蛾)の幼虫 Pantry Pest Worms

乾物を食い荒らすノシメマダラメイガ(蛾)の幼虫 Pantry Pest Worms Video Clips. Duration : 3.95 Mins.

キッチンでの保管状況が悪いせいで、寒冷地の真冬(1月下旬)なのに乾物の袋(ハーブティーとドライフルーツ)に虫が湧いていた。動画に撮った幼虫は外をうろうろした後、袋に開いた小さな穴を見つけて中に潜り込んだ。そのまま飼育してみたら、貯穀害虫の大御所と言われるノシメマダラメイガと判明(つづく)。メイガ類の幼虫は穿孔能力に優れ食品の包装も食い破るため、食品業界で異物混入のトラブルメーカーとして恐れられています。 One peaceful night of late-January, I heard someone screaming in the kitchen. Plastic bags containing dried fruits and herbal teas were infested with wriggling whitish caterpillars. In the latter part of this footage, a larva was observed to infiltrate through a hidden pinhole on the package. I was asked to get rid of them all. But from curiosity, I kept the bags secretly in a quarantined container to see what insects would emerge. Weeks later, they were found to be Indian meal moths (Plodia interpunctella, family Pyralidae), one of the worst nemesis against food industry throughout the world. Continue to the next video.... Music : Kinder Atom - MMMM! Video Diary *part 1: part 2:

Keywords: caterpillar, larva, Indian, meal, moth, pest, pantry, 幼虫, 貯穀害虫, メイガ科, ノシメマダラメイガ

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