Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Check Out Springstar S202 Flour and Pantry Moth Trap for $7.49

Springstar S202 Flour and Pantry Moth Trap Best

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Springstar S202 Flour and Pantry Moth Trap Feature

  • Our trap is safe to use around food and contains no poison or pesticide. Traps will work for three months in normal household conditions.
  • Certified green, pesticide-free product.
  • Safe to use around kids, pets and food
  • 30% more effective than any other brand, two traps per box

Springstar S202 Flour and Pantry Moth Trap Overview

SpringStar's pantry moth traps are a safe and effective way to control these common house moths. The moths can and do infest flour, pasta, dry dog and cat food, birdseed and even chocolate. 80% of the homes in the US and Canada have this pest. Our trap is safe to use around food and contains no poison or pesticide. Traps will work for three months in normal household conditions.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 20, 2012 15:15:36

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Controlling Household Pests

Does the opinion of mice or spiders in your southern home plan give you the shivers? You're not the only one that feels this way! Sharing your home with creatures you feel should remain outdoors is never desired by anyone. Not only can they pose a health threat to your family members, they make your home much less desirable in the event you plan to move. Combat these critters with the steps mentioned below and you will feel more at peace in your home.

Keep it Clean

Pantry Moths

Often rodents such as rats and mice are drawn to a home when it is not kept as clean and tidy as it should. Always keep your kitchen, pantries and food storehouse areas neat and clean. And, if at all possible, do not store food on the floor. Many homeowners pick to store potatoes, dry goods, and other furnish that doesn't wish refrigeration at the floor level. This will only growth the possibility of mice and other creatures getting a occasion to enjoy them. Also, if spills or crumbs fall to the floor, clean up the mess right away. Sticky juice and breadcrumbs appear like a tasty treat for many pests. Just because your floors and pantries are clean doesn't mean you're fully safe. Don't let your trash pile up. Take out the trash normally to avoid smells and food from being within a pests reach. And, be sure to Always grind any food in the garbage disposal after cleaning the dinner plates each night. And, go one step further by pouring some household bleach down the drain. This will keep cockroaches from feeling at home there.

Controlling Household Pests

Best Quality Extension Hook / Size 24 Inch By Audubon/Woodlink Best

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Best Quality Extension Hook / Size 24 Inch By Audubon/Woodlink Feature

  • Size: 24 Inch /Color:
  • Get the extra length you need from any standard eyehook or wall bracket.
  • Hold bird feeders, hanging flower baskets, wind chimes and more.
  • This listing is for a quantity of 1 EA . Meaning with this purchase you will be receiving a total of 1 .

Best Quality Extension Hook / Size 24 Inch By Audubon/Woodlink Overview

Get the extra length you need from any standard eyehook or wall bracket. Hold bird feeders, hanging flower baskets, wind chimes and more.0 Size: 24 Inch /Color:

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 17, 2012 16:25:05

Another way to keep pests out is by filling in cracks or openings especially in the plumbing areas of the kitchen and bathrooms. If there's an occasion for a pest to enter, they will. Eliminate the small openings and you will make your house less obtainable.

When it comes to insects such as ants, roaches and other bugs, most often they are attracted to the inside of your home because the exterior surrounding area is wet. These insects are seeking drier conditions and your home is just the place. Once again, sealing up any cracks will reinforce this.

How To Rid Your Home Once Invaded

Obviously, mouse traps whether they are the glue type, or the traditional spring-style will help with ridding your home of mice. And, if requisite there are countless pest control associates who specialize in removing pests in a collection of ways that will be safe for your family.

But, what about getting rid of insects or moths? A simple and environmentally cordial way of destroying household insects that infest food storehouse packaging or even clothing is by putting the packaging in the freezer or putting the clothing into plastic bags and placing them in the freezer for a minimum of 72 hours. These frosty temperatures will kill all stages of household pests such as insects and moths without doing any harm to the food or clothing.

If you have historic home plans, when it comes to easy riddance of spiders and other insects, your vacuum cleaner is one of the best ways to exterminate. Not only is it very accessible, but it's also a grand tool in the fight of indoor pests. Vacuum up insects, food sources and other debris that draw these pests into your home.

Bait stations are also a great choice if you have ant or cockroach problems. The insect will accumulate the poisoned bait and take it back to the nest so it is shared with the whole colony. This will eliminate a large pest problem much great than a sticky trap that only kills one insect at a time.

A pest problem is not one of the many rewards that come with homeownership, but if you start with a clean home that is uninviting to insects, rodents and other creatures, you will live in great health and with greater peace of mind for your whole family. And this way, when you have country porch house plans, you can enjoy all aspects of the house without worrying about pests and insects lessening your fun and relaxation.

Controlling Household PestsPantry moth infestation Tube. Duration : 0.38 Mins.

Cleaning out one of our kitchen cupboards today, I found a (sealed) box of some kind of organic breadstick crackers, expired in 2009.There was a small pinhole in the bag, and ... friends ... crawling within. As near as I can figure out, Mrs. Mothra found the hole and laid some eggs near it. Larvae crawled in and ate the breadsticks, then pupated... and couldn't get out. And I'm assuming this happy little community has been breeding in that plastic bag ever since. What you can't see is the residue of gnawed breadsticks and the larvae writhing in the bottom of the bag. Suddenly, I have a much better idea of what CS Forester was talking about in the Hornblower books when he has the seamen tapping their biscuits on the table to get the weevils out... Perhaps there's some kind of child's toy that could be made from this?

Keywords: moths, gross, larvae, infestation, horror, filth, insects, bugs

Friday, March 16, 2012

Your Home Office - Designed To Work For You

Several years ago I was working out of my home in an office I'd designed for myself. With fullness of space, oversized countertops, and definite places for each piece of office furniture and equipment I use (I'm highly computer-dependent), I was sufficient and sufficient without sacrificing closeness to my family. In terms of design, space utilization, and ergonomics, I'd thought of everything. Then two things changed my work setting in fundamental ways; a two-year old and a four-year old who delighted in knowing that Daddy was home all day.

But that wasn't totally unexpected; I'd made provisions to growth the privacy of my office as the children grew. A tiny planning and a few rules about when the office was "off limits" kept the advantages of working at home intact.

Pantry Moths

Thirteen million Americans are currently running businesses out of their homes, agreeing to the Kauffman town For Entrepreneurial Leadership (www.emkg.org). In all, forty-five million of us (35% of all U.S. Households) work at least part-time out of home offices. Merge those figures with the Herman Miller Company's (www.hermanmiller.com/) projected 10 to 12% annual growth in the home office furnishings store and it is safe bet that sooner or later, many of us will have to think how to Merge this relatively new function into our existing or new homes.

Your Home Office - Designed To Work For You

Best Quality Branch Hook / Size 36 Inch By Audubon/Woodlink Best

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Best Quality Branch Hook / Size 36 Inch By Audubon/Woodlink Feature

  • Size: 36 Inch /Color:
  • Easily hang your birdhouse from a sturdy tree branch with this branch hook.
  • Can also be used for a lightweight hanging plant.
  • Holds up to 35 pounds.
  • This listing is for a quantity of 1 EA . Meaning with this purchase you will be receiving a total of 1 .

Best Quality Branch Hook / Size 36 Inch By Audubon/Woodlink Overview

Easily hang your birdhouse from a sturdy tree branch with this branch hook. Can also be used for a lightweight hanging plant. Holds up to 35 pounds.Size: 36 Inch /Color:

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 16, 2012 13:23:29

There aren't many hard and fast rules about home office design; our jobs and lives are unique and will sway each individual situation. But a few basic ideas apply approximately universally, and will help to guide you towards development the best with your resources.

Locating The Home Office

Even a well-planned office space won't work if it's placed poorly. If you see clients in your office frequently, and especially if you have small children at home, isolate the office from the home spaces as much as possible. This might mean a completely independent office structure, or an existing room with an entrance designed for use by clients alone. If the office and home spaces are adjacent, allowable sound insulation is a must.

Building a completely new office buildings allows you the most originate options, but forces the notice of hereafter use. Will you work at home forever? If not, what will come to be of that dedicated office? In my home, the old office is in "phase two" of its evolution, the kids' "playroom". In phase three it will be remodeled into a media room for the adults. originate your office to grow and turn with you.

Remodeling an existing space into a home office requires you to look determined at the use of adjacent spaces. Many clients will think it a faux pas if they hear the toilet flush upstairs during a meeting. Speaking of plumbing, will there be a around bathroom for client use? Will they have to wait for your son to get out of the shower to use it?

But possibly you don't see clients at home. You may only need a quiet place to get in a few hours or work each day or you may find that the solitude of home is naturally a good environment for what you do. This situation allows the office to be buried within one of the house areas of the house; a nook adjacent to the kitchen keeps you near the town of operation and able to supervise children; conversely, an alcove attached to the specialist bedroom can be very underground and sacrifice the temptation for the children to interrupt. If you need privacy, find it by locating the most remote areas of your home.

Be realistic about the potential distractions of working at home. If you're a moth to the flame of the refrigerator, it's best that you make the path between office and kitchen as long as possible. My Achilles' heel was cable television; it was just too easy to leave The Golf Channel on all day long. I can't get away with that in a regular office.

Let Your Work Style Dictate The Design A few years back, I worked with a client to originate a part-time home office for her small consulting business. The more time we spent discussing her work style (she worked approximately exclusively with a telephone and a computer), the more we began to perceive that all she needed at home was a quiet space to talk on the phone and to set up her laptop. In the end, the whole office consisted of a three-foot by six-foot desk nook tucked behind her kitchen - just adequate space to type and talk, a few shelves, and two telephone lines.

If you work entirely at home, or if you bring home piles of paperwork from your main office, you'll need greater accommodations. Countertop area and warehouse space are always in request - make sure you've got enough. A large administrative desk looks great but you will get much more use from a wide expanse of countertop.

Rather than creating expensive built-ins, many of my clients opt for what I call a "paper pantry"; a large walk-in closet, full of open shelves for paperwork, files, and office supplies. A paper pantry saves money, keeps the mess hidden, and can be used as a clothes closet should the office ever be needed as a hereafter bedroom.

Receiving clients at home requires a place to conduct meetings. A consulation table might fit the bill but don't forget to think how it will be used when clients aren't present. A well-placed consulation table should duplicate as further workspace for you.

Finally, if your work requires frequent trips out of the office, find a place where you can sneak in and out without disturbing the others in your household.

Accommodating Office Equipment approximately every office requires a computer. It's the personal computer that made the whole work-at-home thought possible. But computers are still bulky assemblages of wires and peripherals that take up vital countertop space. Add to that the copier, scanner, fax machine, and telephone and suddenly you've no room to work.

Just like a media town in a house room, cabinets and shelves can really be designed to hold or conceal office machinery, and free up space to work. Many times I've vast the "paper pantry" thought to consist of office machines. The components you use daily (printer, copier) are best placed within reach of your desk, on shelves under countertops, or in low cabinets. The less frequently used pieces (scanner, fax) should occupy a more remote location. Other options worth considering consist of a laptop computer instead of a full-size machine, and an "all-in-one" machine combining fax, copier, scanner, and printer in one covenant footprint.

Whichever setup you choose, make sure you've got fullness of electrical outlets and telephone jacks so that you've got the flexibility to fine-tune the arrangement of machines.

Managed Growth Home-based businesses ordinarily fall into one of two categories: new businesses trying to grow, or satellites of existing office space. The hereafter needs of a satellite office are few, since it's intended as just an prolongation of a larger office. But planning for a growing enterprise requires some prognostication.

If you hope to move out into commercial space someday, don't overdo the home office. Plan for a tiny growth, but don't overbuild or overdesign a space that's destined for obsolescence. Instead, look ahead to how that space will be used when you've moved out of it.

If you want to grow your enterprise and keep it at home, check local zoning codes and deed restrictions on your property before you make an expensive commitment. While most zoning codes allow tiny home-based business, they often restrict the amount of employees, on-site parking, and even the type of businesses permitted. Often these restrictions are related to the size of your property, but don't assume anything. A phone call to your local zoning valid and a quick check of your deed may save you a lot of time and money.

Don't "Underdesign" It The temptation to think of a home office as strictly a place of function is strong. But if you really intend to use it, it is vital to originate a pleasant work atmosphere. Passage to views and natural light helps growth the ambiance and allows you to be more productive. A few well-placed personal items give you "ownership" of the office; comfortable seating and good function sacrifice stress.

Keep in mind how much time you're likely to spend there. You need to make the most of those hours so give yourself the same or good amenities than you'd expect from a well-designed outside office (you've already got the underground parking space!). Surround yourself with an environment that supports your work and stimulates your creativity. Make it a place you look forward to going to. Properly done, a home office can be a comfortable, profitable, and liberating place to work.

Your Home Office - Designed To Work For YouHow to Get Rid of Pantry Moths and Keep Them Out! Tube. Duration : 2.92 Mins.

www.MySpeedCleaningSecrets.com Find out what you can do to get rid of pantry moths and keep them out for good!

Keywords: get, rid, of, pantry, moths, getting

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How to Get Rid of Moths Indoors

How to Get Rid of Moths Indoors Video Clips. Duration : 1.52 Mins.

Expand the description and view the text of the steps for this how-to video. Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from rcrc and more videos in the Household Pests category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide at www.howcast.com or produce your own Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmakers Program at www.howcast.com Moths can be destructive to stored clothing and food items. Here's how to get rid of them. To complete this How-To you will need: A vacuum Airtight containers Moth balls, flakes, or crystals A dry cleaner Warning: Products like moth balls, flakes, or crystals can be toxic and should be kept away from pets and children. Step 1: Clean all food preparation and storage areas to help eradicate indoor pests. Vacuum food particles out of cracks and crevices in all dried food storage areas. Tip: Keep your doors closed and have your windows and screens properly fitted. Step 2: Store dried food products such as cereal, flour, and dried fruits in airtight containers. Discard any infested products. Step 3: Locate clothing infestations by looking under collars, cuffs, and webbing. Locate other fabric infestations by looking in blended wool, cotton fibers, crevices of furniture, and carpet areas beneath furniture. Tip: Dry clean clothes periodically. Step 4: Launder clothes in water temperatures above 120 degrees for at least 30 minutes. Step 5: Use moth balls, flakes, or crystals to eradicate moths from clothes in storage. Thanks for watching How ...

Tags: homefamily, house, home, getting, rid, household, pests, insects, moths, inside, killing

Monday, March 12, 2012

Pantry Moth Trap assembly - Cherry Housewares

Pantry Moth Trap assembly - Cherry Housewares Tube. Duration : 2.92 Mins.

Tags: Pantry, Moth, Trap, assembly, 14

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Meal Moth Glass Trap

Meal Moth Glass Trap Tube. Duration : 1.50 Mins.

See how to set up our Glass Moth Trap used inside for Pantry Moths.

Keywords: indian, meal, moth, glass, trap, trapping, uspray, u-spray, bugspray

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Grain moths and bird seed

Grain moths and bird seed Video Clips. Duration : 5.67 Mins.

If you purchase pet or wild bird seed, storage can be a concern. Microscopic grain moth eggs can be hidden in any seed product and proper steps need to be taken to avoid a bothersome infestation of these pests. Pet-Care Advisor, Valerie discusses how to properly store and handle any seed item you purchase to effectively break the life-cycle of these moths.

Keywords: bird seed, grain moths, pantry moths, indian meal moths, bird seed storage

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Check Out Revenge Pantry Moth Trap Case of 24 (12 - 2 Packs)

Revenge Pantry Moth Trap Case of 24 (12 - 2 Packs) Best

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Revenge Pantry Moth Trap Case of 24 (12 - 2 Packs) Feature

  • ideal for kitchens, cupboards, pet food storage and birdseed

Revenge Pantry Moth Trap Case of 24 (12 - 2 Packs) Overview

These traps are non-toxic and odorless traps that capture Pantry Moths over a 3-month period. They are ideal for kitchens, cupboards, pet food storage and birdseed. Our traps will capture Indian Meal Moths, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Almond Moths and Raisin Moths. (Case of 12 - 2 Packs)Directions:1.Remove both traps and set up only 1 per room 2.Place where pantry bugs and moths are seen. Locations can include basement, pantry, kitchen or other food storage areas. Select a site with good air circulation but away from foot traffic. 3.Keep away from children. 4.Replace when full or every three months as needed

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 07, 2012 21:20:49

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Moth Traps, The Pantry Moth Trap by Safer Brand

Moth Traps, The Pantry Moth Trap by Safer Brand Tube. Duration : 1.15 Mins.

Safer's Pantry Pest Trap is a non-toxic, pesticide-free pest trap that uses a time release pheremone chip that attract male moths to stop the breeding cycle for up to 3 months. The powerful glue eliminates escapes & 1 trap covers a 400 Sq. Ft room.

Tags: Bug Control, product demo, Moth Control, Home Depot, home exterminating, pantry trap, product, oms 100031015, pest control, home extermination, extermination, moth trap, SAFER

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Falling In Love Episode 3

Falling In Love Episode 3 Video Clips. Duration : 0.92 Mins.

Reece POV I woke up and stared blankly at the ceiling for awhile. I felt like the only reason Johnny was still with me was for the sex -_- His so called "best friend" Michele, claims to only be friends with him but i know she wants him for herself. I swear if i see her even make eye contact with my johnny we boutta fight. I grabbed a pillow and slammed it on Johnny's face. Johnny - The fuck you do that for! Reece - Ge up we got school Johnny - I dont wanna go! Reece - I dont care but i aint walking and you gotta car so be ready in 30 minutes cause i aint puttin up with your bullshit today! I hopped into the bathroom, showered, and got dressed (I'm running out of outfit ideas -______-). I'm glad i always had a change of clothes at his place. I headed downstairs, grabbed a granola bar from his pantry and grabbed his car keys. I sat in the car and waited for him to come out. 5 Mins Later.... Johnny walked out of the house and hopped into the car. He put the keys in the ignition and started driving. About 5 minutes later i realized that we werent driving to school Recce - Where are we going Johnny - Youll see We pulled up to a house and Michele walked out a few minutes later Reece - Uh uh! I aint driving to school with that bit- Johnny - You can walk Johnny walked out of the car and gave Michele a huge hug. She got into the car and i slumped in my seat. Even her presence annoyed the shit outta me. ---------- Meme's POV He was so perfect. From his swag to his skin to his hair ...

Tags: Love, Story

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Invasion of the Moths (don't watch before a meal)

Invasion of the Moths (don't watch before a meal) Video Clips. Duration : 0.90 Mins.

(WARNING! This video is not for the squeamish.) For a while during the summer, I had a problem with moths infesting the foodstuffs in my pantry. Solving this was mostly a matter of enclosing their favourite targets (like cereals and grains) in jars with tight-fitting lids. This video shows the discovery which revealed to me that one type of container I'd been using was not up to the task. Moth larvae were present in abundance, nestled in a wispy spun material not unlike candy floss, only much creepier. This discovery explained the mysterious persistence of the fluttery moths despite what I'd thought were my best efforts to eliminate them. It was horrific, yet strangely fascinating.

Tags: kitchen, bugs, moths