Saturday, March 3, 2012

Falling In Love Episode 3

Falling In Love Episode 3 Video Clips. Duration : 0.92 Mins.

Reece POV I woke up and stared blankly at the ceiling for awhile. I felt like the only reason Johnny was still with me was for the sex -_- His so called "best friend" Michele, claims to only be friends with him but i know she wants him for herself. I swear if i see her even make eye contact with my johnny we boutta fight. I grabbed a pillow and slammed it on Johnny's face. Johnny - The fuck you do that for! Reece - Ge up we got school Johnny - I dont wanna go! Reece - I dont care but i aint walking and you gotta car so be ready in 30 minutes cause i aint puttin up with your bullshit today! I hopped into the bathroom, showered, and got dressed (I'm running out of outfit ideas -______-). I'm glad i always had a change of clothes at his place. I headed downstairs, grabbed a granola bar from his pantry and grabbed his car keys. I sat in the car and waited for him to come out. 5 Mins Later.... Johnny walked out of the house and hopped into the car. He put the keys in the ignition and started driving. About 5 minutes later i realized that we werent driving to school Recce - Where are we going Johnny - Youll see We pulled up to a house and Michele walked out a few minutes later Reece - Uh uh! I aint driving to school with that bit- Johnny - You can walk Johnny walked out of the car and gave Michele a huge hug. She got into the car and i slumped in my seat. Even her presence annoyed the shit outta me. ---------- Meme's POV He was so perfect. From his swag to his skin to his hair ...

Tags: Love, Story

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