Thursday, March 1, 2012

Invasion of the Moths (don't watch before a meal)

Invasion of the Moths (don't watch before a meal) Video Clips. Duration : 0.90 Mins.

(WARNING! This video is not for the squeamish.) For a while during the summer, I had a problem with moths infesting the foodstuffs in my pantry. Solving this was mostly a matter of enclosing their favourite targets (like cereals and grains) in jars with tight-fitting lids. This video shows the discovery which revealed to me that one type of container I'd been using was not up to the task. Moth larvae were present in abundance, nestled in a wispy spun material not unlike candy floss, only much creepier. This discovery explained the mysterious persistence of the fluttery moths despite what I'd thought were my best efforts to eliminate them. It was horrific, yet strangely fascinating.

Tags: kitchen, bugs, moths

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